Free Stuff to Help You Grow and Heal

I’ve spent thousands on workshops, webinars, trainings, and sessions. There are a lot of options out there right now for individuals looking for guides and healers. And that’s great. There weren’t as many options when I started my healing journey. I put a lot of work into gathering information and collecting teachers in whose work I searched for value. It took a lot of time, energy, and money for me to get where I’m at now.

I want to make it easier for you. I’ve decided to make a bunch of my digital work available for free with no strings (requiring no email, no phone number, etc.). That way, you get the massive benefits of my Energy Magic super easily with no barriers, and my work reaches more people. Feels like a win-win situation. Ultimately, I’d like my work to reach as many people as possible. 

Below you will find a treasure trove of healing videos and audios. The most recent or what I deem the most necessary will be located at the top of the page. The older stuff will be at the bottom.

I hope you use these tools and make your life a litter better, or a lot better. I hope these creations of mine will help you create a happier, healthier, more magical version of yourself.

~ Lana Borealis

Start Here!

This Video is the Ultimate Energy Upgrade Tool

Play this video weekly or monthly for good spiritual hygiene, an overall clearing and Activation

Freedom From Curses

Play this video as often as needed to clear curses

12-Dimensional Shield Technique

Less of a "shield" more of an energy field entrainment - Do daily

Healthy Body Audio

Listen to this audio at least 21 days in a row and say the affirmations out loud for greatest effect.

Energetic Aid with Unwellness

Play this video often to help energetically support health and wellbeing
(helps with viruses, fungi, protozoa, bacteria, allergies, cancer, & more)

Energy Magic Journey

This is a guided Energy Magic meditation journey. It's an oldie but a goody.

Energy Magic encoded image by Lana Borealis

Disclaimer: Lana Borealis provides energy healing practices and guidance in self care and personal energy care. These sessions and programs are provided with the intention of fully supporting the individual in their process of becoming holistically healthy and in their ability to heal themselves. Energy healing is a spiritual practice, not a material science, and no claims or results are guaranteed. All information on this site should only be used as a guide. The information contained in this Website, and services provided is not aimed at diagnosing, treating or preventing any illness. Lana Borealis and any other author and/or practitioner of the programs and sessions found via is not a medical doctor, attorney, psychiatrist, therapist or other licensed health professional. They do not diagnose, cure, heal, or treat disease, or give psychological treatment. Lana Borealis and all associated with strongly encourages anyone to seek health advice from a variety of professionals, in both licensed medical fields and non-licensed alternative therapies, so that they may follow their own guidance and intuition in deciding what is right for them. The role of the healer/practitioner is to act as a facilitator, helping the client/patient to connect with the healing energy that comes to them directly from Source. Any healing that occurs is the result of the individuals’ own efforts, not that of the practitioner. The practitioner merely acts as a channel, support, and guide. Additionally, Lana Borealis is not responsible for any damage arising either directly or consequentially out of the use or inability to use the information or services provided correctly.