Why I Love Being a Crossover Specialist

In my experience, a lot of people have some belief in ghosts or spirits of the dead. Many people claim to have direct personal experience with ghosts, either through sightings, hauntings, possessions, or other encounters. According to data gathered online from a poll of 1,293 adults taken in 2019 by YouGov, around 45% of Americans believe in ghosts, demons, or other supernatural beings.

They also found that four in 10 (43%) of American adults believe that ghosts and spirits can haunt places on Earth. Women (51%) are more likely than men (35%) to hold this belief. More than one-third (36%) of Americans say that they have personally felt the presence of a spirit or ghost. Again, women (41%) are slightly more likely than men (31%) to claim this experience. A little over one in ten (13%) Americans claim to have communicated directly with a ghost or spirit of someone who has died. Another survey, taken in 2018 of 2,000 people (OnePoll survey conducted for Groupon) found that more than 60% of Americans say they have seen a ghost and more than 40% claim their pet has seen one too. There are other polls and studies that have slightly different numbers, that poll different populations, that compare how different racial groups compare to each other, but that is not my purpose.

A lot of people believe in ghosts and spirits of the dead.

I believe in ghosts, supernatural beings, demons, and spirits of many different kinds. I still vividly remember what I long thought of as my first ghost experience. When I was in first grade, my best friend and I were playing in the woods near her house. The tree cover made the forest floor super dark, cool, and a little spooky, even in the afternoon summer sun. One day, we saw something that was not “normal” flitting through the trees. It was white and ethereal. It looked almost as if a semi-transparent handkerchief was dancing on the wind, floating through the trees. We stared in amazement as it wound its way between the trees, seeming to slip in and out of reality. At the time, we were convinced it was a ghost. Now that I have more experience in such matters, I’m fairly sure it was more likely some kind of multidimensional bleed through. Bleed throughs from higher dimensions occur when something weakens the boundary between densities (we are currently inhabiting the lowest, first density). But that’s a discussion for another post.

As a teen and preteen, I was way into supernatural phenomena. Like many kids, I played around with Ouija boards and told ghost stories in the dark with my friends. Later, I read every book on the occult in both my school library and the city public library. (It was a small town in Alaska, those sections were very, very small). I was always interested in ghosts, spirits, and the supernatural, but it wasn’t until I began learning lightbody clearing that my experience with ghosts shifted dramatically from one of curiosity and fascination to one of service and understanding.
From the perspective of the energy work I facilitate, ghosts are soul fragments trapped on the earthly plane. It’s not their fault they are stuck here. Usually, they get stuck here when a person experiences a lot of fear or pain while dying or has an intensely traumatic death. These soul fragments (ghosts) don’t actually wish to do anyone harm. They simply don’t belong here. Mostly, they are lost, confused, fragmented beings who need help. These soul fragments or ghosts are called discarnates. They can cause people minor harm due to their confusion and fear. They latch onto an individual’s energy field and siphon off energy.

Let me be really clear, here, there is a major difference between the spirit of your grandma who might be sending you loving messages from beyond the grave and a fragment of her soul that could be stuck here on the earthly plane as a discarnate. Frequently, discarnates do not remember who they were as people. While they do carry some of the energy patterns of the people they once were, they do not have the capability to interact with you in a complicated way like a living person. They are convoluted energy patterns that are hanging on to the last scrap of humanity they have by feeding on the energy of others. The feelings of love that you get from your grandma’s spirit are from the parts of her that passed fully out of this realm. If any parts get left behind on the earthly plane, they do not have the capacity to communicate love. Discarnates do not have the capacity to communicate complex messages.

That all being said, it’s important to not think of discarnates as evil or bad. They simply are. It is literally not by any fault of theirs that they are here. It is not their fault that they are basically parasitic in nature. The person who has passed on that they belong to wants them back and at a deep level, all the discarnates want to do is get back to their home.

As a crossover specialist, it’s my job to send them home. In my Energy Magic work, I always clear all ghosts, or discarnates, from the individuals I will be working on at the beginning of and throughout each session. The discarnates have chaotic, parasitic energies that can interfere with the session if I don’t properly send them on their way to the Plane of Bliss. After they reach the Plane of Bliss, they get cleaned up and rehabilitated. After that, they can be reunited with the rest of their being. The fact that I get to send lost soul fragments back to where they belong so they may be reunited with their person and help make that soul whole again, is one of the reasons I love my job so much. It feels so good to help little lost fragments get back to whole. I love it.

Another reason I love being a crossover specialist is because it helps humans who are here on Earth. When a discarnate attaches itself to a person’s energy field, that discarnate feeds on negative energy. The more negative energy it feeds on, the bigger and stronger it gets, so the more it pushes the individual to do things that create more negative energy. This creates a feedback loop of negativity.

Sometimes without facilitating any other energy work for someone beyond clearing discarnates from their energy field can have a majorly positive impact on an individual’s state of mind. It can help them get out of a rut of patterns and addictions. Of course, it’s up to them to follow through on keeping themselves out of the rut, but clearing the little devils from their shoulders who are urging them into unhealthy behaviors can make a huge difference in getting started on a healthier path.

The third reason I love being a crossover specialist is because my main objective is to help raise the frequency of this planet. One of the ways to raise the frequency of the planet is to shed old, unwanted, fragmented energies that no longer serve a purpose. Discarnates are essentially old, unclaimed, fragmented energies that no longer belong here. Clearing them to the Plane of Bliss, so they may journey onward helps raise the frequency of the planet.

Maybe next time you think you’re dealing with a ghost, instead of heading straight into feeling fear, perhaps the deeper understanding you now have will allow you to feel something different. Maybe you’ll have the courage to be understanding and loving toward the lost and confused soul fragment that doesn’t even know what’s going on. Perhaps you’ll consider how you can help it rather than giving in to the lower frequency emotion of fear.

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