Your Aura, Your Personal Field

Disclaimer: This is a very brief introduction to the concept of personal energy fields as I understand it. This is my interpretation of what I’ve learned from others over the years of working with energy and personal energy fields. You may find that some of it resonates with you and some of it doesn’t. As with all the information I disseminate, I recommend you take what works for you and discard the rest.

Everything in this universe is connected through a generally unseen force known as the Universal Energy Field. In this case, everyTHING includes all planets, all living beings, all stars, everything. This field is called Akasha by some, or the Universal Body by others. It is also sometimes known as the Universal Mind or the Collective Consciousness. I’m sure there are many more names that I have not listed, but the important point is that it exists. It is the energetic essence that permeates the entire universe, connecting everything.

Within that unfathomably massive energy field there are also individual energy fields. Earth has her own energy field, for example. As does the Sun. Every living being on this planet has their own individual energy field too. You are sitting out there reading this right now inside your very own, personal, multilayered energy field.
A person’s personal energy field is also called an aura or auric field. The generally invisible layers that make up the aura or energy field consist of the physical body, emotional body, mental body, spiritual body, and various layers of energy directly tied to each chakra in the body. The word “chakra” is a Sanskrit word literally translated as “spinning wheel”. Each of these chakras are spinning wheels of energy. They are energetic centers located within a person’s energy field. Some chakras are located inside the physical body, some are outside of it. All of an individual’s chakras are part of their energy field and energy system.

A person’s aura or energy field extends past their physical body out into space around them.

Each major chakra corresponds to a dimensional band. For example, the first chakra, also called the root chakra, corresponds to the first dimension. The second chakra is linked to the second dimension, and so on, all the way up to the 15th chakra. This means that your energy body exists simultaneously in all dimensions. It also means that whether or not you are consciously aware of it, you are experiencing the universe as a multidimensional being. You are subtly affected by all 15 dimensions.
This reality, which consists of the 15 dimensional bands, is called the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. The dimensions are grouped in threes to form harmonic universes. For example, you and I are currently existing in Harmonic Universe 1 or HU1, which is made up of dimensions one through three. The harmonic universe layers are separated by magnetic repulsion zones so that the overlapping energies from different dimensions do not disturb each other.

As you exist here in HU1 your multidimensional energy field plays a huge role in how you experience life. It surrounds and contains your physical body. It also interacts with your environment in complex ways. It collects data from the space and lifeforms around you. It responds to your emotional state and the quality and texture of your aura change as a result of your shifting moods, thoughts, and actions. It is as necessary to your existence as any essential aspect of your physical body. It even contains the instructions that tell your physical body how to manifest.

In a nutshell, your personal energy field is a complex, multi-layered orb of (mostly unseen) energy that surrounds you on all levels, in all dimensions. It defines how you manifest as an individual human being. It is a part of the Universal Energy Field of all creation.

The health of your auric field is just as important (if not more so) than the health of your body. There are many steps you can take to cleanse and nourish your aura. I will offer tips for maintaining a strong and clean energy field in a future post.

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