Questioning is an Important Part of Discernment

I stumbled across this article this morning (My Psychic Told Me to Date a Psychopath) and it really reminded me (I KNOW… but reminders help) how necessary it is when working with clients in any kind of psychic, healing, and/or coaching capacity to have them check in with their inner knowing. And if they don’t have a very accurate personal compass, to TEACH them how to listen to their three minds (brain, heart, and gut)… how to use their own discernment.

Very often people get so lost in the woods of their own life that they have a really hard time using discernment wisely. I know I made a lot of questionable (at best, frequently self harming) decisions in my life. I was very disconnected from my higher self, from my heart… when someone is drunk or high all the time, good decision making is really hard because they’re compromised.

This story isn’t about someone who was compromised in that way. It’s about someone who lost faith in herself and put a whole lot of faith in the opinion/intuition of another person. She relied so intensely on her intuitive life coach’s guidance, that she ignored her own warning signs.
I think we’ve all been there in some form or another. A place where we let someone else’s certainty override our own judgement. I know I have many, many times.

That’s why learning discernment is so valuable. Being so in touch with your own body that you can feel the slightest signals in your body when something is off or on. Learning to trust yourself and listen to the signals is absolutely paramount. So many of us have spend years shutting ourselves down, overriding our internal warning systems, abandoning our inner knowing.

This story is not just about a woman who misguided a more vulnerable woman down a dark path, but it’s also about a woman who had long abandoned her own inner guidance. Her compass was so broken that she trusted what this woman said without question, until the situation had gotten entirely out of control.

I believe humanity is in the midst of a great awakening. A time when we are learning en masse that many many things we thought about reality are incorrect… not just incorrect, of course, but outright lies. We’re waking up to the true reality. We’re waking up to the fact that we are magical, multidimensional creator beings. That our consciousness is waaaay more powerful than we’ve believed. We’re waking up to the fact that being expected live to work is really a form of oppression. We’re waking up to the fact that we are being controlled and manipulated by the various forms of media to subscribe to very narrow beliefs.

A massive part of that waking up involves learning how to be our own guides, how to use our bodies as compasses, how to hone our discernment.

Do I see psychics for guidance and help? Yes, absolutely. Do I see a life coach or other healers and guides? 100%, yes. I believe it is incredibly important right now as we’re waking up to have help along the way. That is why I do what I do. But I also use my discernment with these people. I take what works for me and leave the rest. I take what feels true for me in the moment and leave the rest.

I offer clients a lot of insights, guidance, healing, etc. in my work. But I do not want to be believed and trusted absolutely without question. That’s dangerous. That’s unhealthy for me and my clients.

Take what works for you and leave the rest. Learn how to listen to your inner guidance. That starts with calming the nervous system so you’re not always in an activated state. Then learning to listen to the subtle signals of the heart and the gut. The mind is very loud, so we don’t generally need help listening to the mind. But the heart and the gut are a little quieter. You may need to sit in stillness regularly to train yourself to listen, to train yourself to calm down.

From all the trauma I put myself through in my 20s and 30s, I had to rest for literally two years just to get my nervous system to come down from an activated state. It took time and safety. If you find yourself disconnected from your inner compass, your inner knowing, I recommend first and foremost finding safety. Then getting rest. It might seem like you are being lazy, that is fine, be lazy, but get that rest for the nervous system healing.
This article was so poignant to me because it really pointed to a systemic problem with humanity (at least the humanity I can see around me), and that’s that people are walking around not questioning what they are being told and what they see. People are disconnected from their inner guidance. To me, that is one of the biggest problems we’re facing as a species.

If people were following their inner guidance, they would not allow their government to collect taxes to be spent on war and genocide. If people were following their inner guidance, they would not spend all day every day working jobs that made them sick and miserable. If people were following their inner guidance they would question almost everything they’ve been told about the nature of this reality.




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