Righteous Anger, Hatred, & Creating Reality

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about righteous anger. You see, since I’ve been healing my trauma and shining a light on the dark shadows in my consciousness, my temper has significantly mellowed. There have been many times in my past when I would fly off the handle at the slightest provocation. Times when a tiny bit of criticism would fill me with boiling rage. Honestly, it was all quite intense and no healthy way to live. These days, I’m a lot less touchy and easy to anger. That is not to say I’m some paragon of coolness and calm in every situation, I still get triggered into anger from time to time. The thing is that it manifests more as mild irritation or frustration than full on rage. I feel like I’ve lost touch with my anger, and that actually feels a little bit like I lost a super power. 


Here’s why… 


I believe there is strong magical transmutation power to be found in justified righteous anger. When wielded appropriately, the power of righteous anger can change the world. Think about the American Revolution, the French Revolution… I’m sure there are countless other examples you can think of. The point is that there was injustice felt by a great many people, that injustice fueled their anger and discontent. In turn, that anger sparked the fires that grew into revolution. Righteous anger is a great power that can be turned to the greater good for massive change. 


An incalculably huge problem I see today is that individuals are being manipulated by the media to turn their anger on each other. It doesn’t matter what news you watch or read, there is almost always an agenda behind it. Liberals against conservatives, religious right against the far left, democrats versus republicans… It’s all absurd. 


Why are we allowing corporations, news agencies, people on YouTube, whatever, to fill our hearts with hatred for each other? Why are we allowing differences of opinion to become fighting words or cause to end relationships, rather than be an interesting ground for discourse and debate? 


That rage that’s being fed by the news media is a distorted version of righteous anger because it too often gets misdirected at a person who has no real power over the situation but simply holds a differing opinion. Do you think your political leaders care about you? No, you’re simply a number to them. So why would place your loyalty so fiercely in a political party? Why would you hate and feel violence toward another person simply because they vote one way or another? And why would you align yourself more with a party or ideology than with the human race? Why would you waste that powerful current of energy that is your blessed righteous anger to try to harm another person when the problem is so much bigger than some individuals’ difference of opinions?


I realize now in writing this that I haven’t lost access to my anger after all, it has simply matured and grown into something more dignified, less wild. It has become indignation. And in this case, it feels like righteous indignation. 


I invite you to take a good hard look at yourself and ask yourself if you are allowing the peddlers of the human hate program to influence you into misappropriation of your power. Yes, you read that correctly, the peddlers of the human hate program, because that’s what they are. If you want to learn to hate humans, go ahead and turn on the news, any station doesn’t matter, they will quickly tell you all the reasons why humans are horrible, terrible, unforgivable creatures. They will show you images and tell you tragic stories of just how much viciousness human beings are capable of. They will also tell you, for free, which humans to hate more, because those humans are especially deserving of your hate. You want to hate democrats, what Fox news. You want to hate republicans, watch Democracy Now. 


All sides are wrong that are fomenting hatred towards our fellow humans. Individual human people just trying to live their lives in peace are not the problem. It is one thing to inform people about events that occur in the world, it is quite another to create hatred, animosity, and to perpetuate horrors by broadcasting programs and spells into the subconscious minds and energy fields of humanity. Human consciousness is a remarkably powerful thing, scientists really aren’t fully able to explain or quantify our powers, be they mental, emotional, or energetic. 


We are multidimensional beings with access to twelve dimensions and the power to influence reality. What do you think happens to a machine that powerful when a bunch of awful, terrible, painful images, stories, and thoughts are poured into it? Well, you will get a reality that is awful, terrible, and painful. That’s what. Not to sound too conspiracy theoristy, but They (yes, I’m referring to that dark and mysterious They) don’t want you to know how seriously fucking powerful you are. They don’t want you to know that you can create reality however you want it. They just want you to keep consuming mind trash so that you have a trash consciousness and you create a trash reality.


It makes me want to shake the baby. You are the baby. I’m the baby. We’re all the fucking baby that needs a serious shaking out of where we’ve been and into a new, intentionally co-created, magical reality. We have the power to do so. We have far more power than They do. They are spending all their time, energy, money, whatever, to keep us all trapped and asleep, unaware of how incredibly powerful every single one of us is. That homeless guy on the corner, is a powerful creator-God being. The girl who checked your groceries at the market, she’s a powerful creator-God being, too. Every single one of us is creating our reality. All together. 


Now that you know that, what do you want your reality to be like? Do you want it to be filled with hatred and horrors? Or do you want it to be peaceful, joyful, loveful, and easy? I know what I want, it might just be enough to get me to stop watching movies with violence and allowing myself to get sucked into news story rabbit holes. When I’m not doing those things, however, I’m really working toward creating a reality of goodness and peace. Are you in?




Book a free consultation with me today and let’s talk about how together you and I can make your reality better.



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