Who is Lana Borealis?

I was blessed to grow up on beautiful land my grandparents homesteaded, on a dirt road fifteen minutes drive from a small town in Alaska. From the house I grew up in, one could look over a sea of green that ended at a distant wall of white mountains. The forest was a magical place for me. It was a place that held enchantment and endless possibilities, where my imagination could flourish. Between my love of the forest and my insatiable appetite for tales of magic and adventure, the stage was set for me to grow into a woman who believes wholeheartedly in things like fairies, magic, demons, and goddesses.

By the time I was in high school, I had devoured all the books the local libraries had to offer on occult subjects. I had purchased my first tarot deck in an airport book shop. Without much guidance, I practiced the occasional spell. I was surprisingly good at manifesting precisely what I wanted. I even had a friend who would occasionally call me for psychic readings. Looking back, it seems it was always in the cards (wink, wink) that I would get here.

Some time around 2010 when I really began taking my spiritual practice quite literally to the next level with what I like to call imagination journeys or journeys into The Realms. (In pop culture this type of journeying is often referred to as shamanic journeying. I prefer to leave out the term “shamanic.”) It was during these journeys where I first met my spirit guides as an adult. Soon after, I was introduced to Reiki, followed by lightbody clearing and DNA activation. DNA activation rocked my world so much that I absolutely had to learn how to do it myself. In 2013, after I completed training to facilitate lightbody clearing and DNA activation, I began offering my services.

Once I stepped into my power as a healer and guide, so many things fell into place for me. I dove head first into that world. DNA activation had been such a massive game-changer for me that I built a life around it. It was magical and fun and intense. I felt like I’d found the magic I’d been chasing my whole life.

Due to my deep feelings of gratitude and a misplaced sense of indebtedness, I relinquished a lot of my power to the man who’d trained me. During the years that followed, I was quite literally locked in a nearly constant battle with demons of various kinds. I often think of that time as a boot camp for energetic healing. I was so broken down and my ego shredded that I experienced a sort of death of identity, it could certainly be considered a dark night of the soul. I have since rebuilt myself from what remained.

I rose from the ashes (with the help of therapists, healers, and friends) of a devastating and abusive relationship with a narcissistic individual who was also later diagnosed with schizophrenia. I successfully overcame an extremely self-destructive and highly problematic relationship with alcohol that I’d inherited from my father and grandfather. I was later the sole caretaker of my father (who I’d long had a strained relationship with) as he died from cancer over the course of two years. I continue my healing journey from a past littered with sexual trauma.

While it is true that I am still healing, learning, and growing (all things I hope to continue doing until the day I die), I believe I have stepped into more power and wisdom than I could have accessed had I taken an easier route. I am grateful for the struggles that have led me to where I am today. I am the happiest, healthiest version of myself that I can remember experiencing thus far in this incarnation. I have journeyed through the underworld time and time again to emerge stronger and better for it. I now offer healing and guidance from the insights and tools earned through the hardships.

I know the underworld. I know the light. I have battled demons, real and imagined, mine and others’. I know my purpose on this planet at this time is all about turning the wisdom gained from my own victories and struggles into healing for others.
I offer one-on-one sessions to those desiring to break free from limiting patterns, those who wish to learn about their purpose and path, and to overcome obstacles to moving forward. I offer home and property clearings and harmonizations for clearing negative influences and stagnant energies from personal spaces. I also lead group programs.

I currently reside in Northern California in the forested hills not far from the coast, with my wonderful partner, two cats, and one very silly Australian Shepherd. I am the happiest, healthiest version of me so far and I’d like to help you to become the happiest, healthiest version of you too, if you’re into that sort of thing.

In peace, love, & magic,

Lana Borealis


Lana's Life

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